Maps & Data

ID Nickname Substrate Coords Last Watched Status City/County State Postal Code
Recently watched nests
Unwatched nests

1  Monitoring Group Affiliations

Activity log

Date Nest Watcher Adults Eggs Young Observations
March 29 9512 BirdAR 1 N N
Note: One male observed on dock piling near nest.
March 29 9511 BirdAR 2 N N
Note: Mating observed
April 6 9512 BirdAR 0 N N
Note: Canvas from boat has blown over the top of the nest due to heavy NW winds / small craft warnings today.
April 8 9512 BirdAR 2 N N
Note: Flew in and landed one after the other. Standing near nest.
April 8 9511 BirdAR 1 N N
Note: Female on nest.
April 9 9512 BirdAR 2 N N
April 9 9511 BirdAR 2 N N
Note: Female on nest, male soaring above.
April 12 9512 BirdAR 2 N N
April 14 9512 BirdAR 2 N N
April 14 9511 BirdAR 2 N N
April 19 9512 BirdAR 1 N N
Note: Make circling above
April 19 9511 BirdAR 2 N N
April 20 9512 BirdAR 2 N N
April 20 9511 BirdAR 2 N N
April 21 9511 BirdAR 2 N N
April 26 9512 BirdAR 0 N N
April 27 9511 BirdAR 2 N N
April 27 9511 BirdAR 2 N N
April 27 9512 BirdAR 2 N N
April 28 9511 BirdAR 2 U N
April 28 9512 BirdAR 2 U N
May 16 9511 BirdAR 2 N N
May 16 9512 BirdAR 2 N N
Note: Female on nest
May 24 9511 BirdAR 2 N N
Note: Female fitting on nest
May 24 9512 BirdAR 1 N N
Note: Female on nest
May 26 9511 BirdAR 2 U N
Note: Female on nest
May 26 9512 BirdAR 2 U N
Note: Female on nest
May 26 9726 BirdAR 2 U N incubation
Note: Female on nest
May 26 9727 BirdAR 1 U N incubation
June 2 9512 BirdAR 2 U N incubation
Note: Female on nest
June 2 9511 BirdAR 2 U N incubation
June 2 9727 BirdAR 2 U N incubation
June 2 9726 BirdAR 2 U N incubation
June 4 9511 BirdAR 2 U N
Note: Female on nest
June 4 9726 BirdAR 2 U N
Note: Female on nest
June 4 9727 BirdAR 2 U N incubation
Note: Female on nest
June 4 9512 BirdAR 2 U N incubation
Note: Female on nest
June 9 9512 BirdAR 2 U N incubation
Note: Female on nest, male perched nearby.
June 10 9511 BirdAR 1 U N incubation
June 10 9727 BirdAR 1 U N incubation
June 10 9726 BirdAR 2 U 2 incubation, feeding
June 10 9726 BirdAR 1 N 1 young standing
June 10 9727 BirdAR 1 U N
June 10 9511 BirdAR 1 U N
June 17 9511 BirdAR 1 U N incubation
June 17 9726 BirdAR 2 U N
June 17 9727 BirdAR 2 U N incubation
June 17 9512 BirdAR 2 U N incubation
June 19 9511 BirdAR 1 Y U incubation
June 19 9511 BirdAR 1 U N
June 19 9512 BirdAR 2 U N incubation
June 19 9726 BirdAR 1 2 2 incubation, feeding
June 19 9727 BirdAR 2 N N
Note: Poor stand for nest building.
June 19 9512 BirdAR 2 U N incubation
August 11 9512 BirdAR 1 N N
Note: One adult sitting near but not on nest.
August 12 9511 BirdAR 2 N N
August 12 9726 BirdAR 2 N N
August 12 9727 BirdAR 2 N N
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OspreyWatch is managed by The Center for Conservation Biology. The project was developed in an attempt to bring together a global community of observers to collect information for the common good. The project is unfunded and, as such, has been created and managed by unpaid staff and volunteers. Please help support the dedicated individuals who maintain the project.